Our top 3 favorite Meditations for Stress

Mediation can really bring a sense of harmony and calm to life’s inevitable chaos.

Let’s be serious…life can be really hard sometimes. We all hope and pray for this steady stream of peace and calm but the truth is, that’s really hard to obtain. At least all of the time! Life comes with many twists and turns, ups and downs, highs and lows. Each day, each moment, each breath truly has an energy of its own.

We can wake up every day with the intention to have a good day, eat right, be patient, be kind…but without action, it’s simply intention.

When we say YES to meditation, we are saying yes to our intentions. Meditation gives our intentions power. It allows them to rise to your conscious mind, where action is possible.

Meditation slows your busy, chaotic, habitual mind down and gives it permission to dive into the ocean of peace.

Here are 3 of our favorite meditations for quieting the chaos and reducing daily stress.

  1. Inner Silence Meditation

    You can do this meditation sitting upright or lying down. You may be in a quiet or busy environment. Simply find a comfortable position and close your eyes.

    Take a few easy full breaths, allowing yourself to calm down and accept your surroundings as they are.

    Begin by noticing all of the sounds that surround your body. Sounds that are close to you, far away. Loud sounds, soft sounds. Simply listen to them all without becoming too stuck on any one particular sound. Feel your body quiet and still in the center of it all.

    Then begin to notice the sensations of your body. The temperature of your skin. The feeling of your body touching the earth. The beating of your heart. Become aware of your whole body.

    Next, bring awareness to your nostrils. Cool breath coming in and warmer breath moving out. Slow full breaths. Notice any smells and associations coming from the nose.

    Bringing awareness to the mouth. Notice if the mouth is damp or dry, soft or tight with stress. Begin to soften the jaw, the face, the whole head.

    Lastly, allow yourself to soften the inner gaze. Notice if there is light, color, images behind the closed eyes. Give yourself a few moments to rest watching this inner screen. No judgment. Just awareness.

    Now that you have exhausted your senses, allow yourself to sit. Breathing deeply, slowly, calmly. Recognizing yourself, as you are, where you are. Quiet and calm in the center of it all.

    When you are ready, take a deep breath our your mouth and open your eyes.

  2. Mantra Meditation

    You can do this meditation sitting upright or lying down. It’s the perfect mid-day meditation.

    Simply find a comfortable position and close your eyes.

    Take a few easy slow breaths, allowing yourself to quiet the mind as best as you can.

    Once you are feeling settled, breathe in and simply say to yourself “I am breathing in” and as you exhale “I am breathing out.”

    Repeat the mantra. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. With each breath give yourself permission to accomplish this one, very important task. Pure conscious breathing for 3-5 minutes.

    When you are ready, take a deep breath our your mouth and open your eyes.

  3. Bhramari Breathing

    Although this is technically a breathing exercise, not a mediation, it has the ability to calm your mind down right away. It helps to clear your mind of frustration, anxiety, anger, and stress.

    You can do it anywhere, anytime. Although it can be a little loud, so you have to just own it if you are in public :)

    Take a seated position and close your eyes.

    Take a few easy slow breaths, allowing yourself to become aware of your present feelings.

    Once settled, plug your ears with your thumbs and cover your eyes with your remaining 4 fingers.

    Take a deep breath in the nose and as you exhale make a loud, long, strong, humming sound at the back of your throat until all of the breath is completely empty.

    Repeat 3-5 times. Do not rush.

    When you finish, rest your hands in your lap. Take many long deep breaths and notice how your energy and inner frequency have changed.

    When you are ready SMILE and open your eyes.

Intention without action, is simply intention
— The Inspired Being

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